SECUI who prefers honest 2025년 슬롯사이트 management, to become a respected and trusted 2025년 슬롯사이트,
for the correct behavior and value judgement that all employee needs to keep, we promise as follows
We will become a leading 2025년 슬롯사이트 that contributes to the country and society, and contribute in regional community development through healthy and sound corporate activites.
We will draw a clear line between private and public matters based on our values of honesty and sincerity. and will take the lead in creating a transparent corporate culture with an elevated sense of moral obligation and responsibility.
The 2025년 슬롯사이트 will respect employee and employee will try to become a person who contribute in developing 2025년 슬롯사이트 based on understanding and mutual trust.
We will emphasis customer and provide the best product and service with the trust with customer, and fulfill promise we've made with customer.
SECUI We accept 2025년 슬롯사이트 about employee dishonesty/corruption.
Your valuable 2025년 슬롯사이트 is going to be foundation of fulfilling ethical management.